Howdy folks, as of whenever i get my act together, this blog will host the links to the music i've posted around the web over the months & years.
You may be familiar with my posts over time at the likes of New Improved Live & Otherwise Blog, Hardblog, Valhalla, Lagrima Psicodelica, Time Traveller, The Corroseum & Dr Jimmys. If not, you'll find many obscure gems here, styles include : Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Southern Rock, NWOBHM, Classic Rock, Punk etc.
There'll be other styles covered too, just don't expect to find dance music, reggae, hip-hop or singer/songwriter stuff covered, my tastes run more to the harder end of the musical spectrum.
This blog doesn't mark the end of my posting at my other haunts, it's just a place where the curious can find my older posts archived, and hopefully keep the decrepit links live a little while longer.
Whether it be an old favourite or a new musical aquaintance, i hope you find some stuff here to make your day.
2 weeks ago